In the territory of eastern Slovakia, activities have been recorded that indicate possible preparation of a terrorist attack ...
A fundamental position that will probably send several cases, including the one about Petr Kažimír, into oblivion. The ...
Eva Mosnáková, who survived the Holocaust, joined the resistance and actively opposed the occupation of Czechoslovakia, has ...
The State Institute for Drug Control (SICC) compares the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines with heroin, which was considered a ...
Hlas-SD is responsible for the billboards with the words "They have indebted Slovakia" that can be found all over the country ...
An MEP from the former Smer-SD faction wanted to vote on a resolution condemning Prime Minister Fico's planned trip to Russia ...
At the Slovak Technical University (STU), teaching has been interrupted. The management of one of the faculties ordered an ...
Európske krajiny sa pripravujú na najhoršie. Nemecko vyvíja aplikáciu, vďaka ktorej nájdete najbližší úkryt, Švédsko a Nórsko ...
Masové protesty v Gruzínsku pokračujú už piaty deň. Sprevádzajú ich násilné strety medzi políciou a tisíckami demonštrantov a ...
To, že Joe Biden udelil synovi milosť, môže Donald Trump využiť. Myslí si amerikanista Pavel Szobi. Dekan fakulty politických ...
Po nemeckej vláde možno padne aj tá francúzska. Problémom sa ukázal, ako inak, štátny rozpočet. Menšinová vláda ...
Pôdohospodárska platobná agentúra vyplatila poľnohospodárom preddavky pri priamych platbách. Povedal minister ...